Friday, July 22, 2016

Windows 10 - The Nightmare Continues

First, the Windows 10 nightmare continues.  We’ve had a rash of people who had their Windows updates set to automatic, or had their settings set to receive recommended updates the same with they got critical or important ones, who woke up to Windows 10.  There have been a few who were working on their computers when a box popped up and told them the Windows 10 update was now taking place.  There is no stopping it at this point.  The only solution is to wait until the Windows 10 upgrade completes, and then don’t agree to the changes, this causes it to revert back to Windows 7 or 8 whichever you started with.  This has failed a couple of instances and the system had to be reverted back a different way.  

Now with a couple of people this has still caused problems, we had a couple who had to reinstall programs like their MS Office and other stuff. Some had to reinstall printers and scanner software.  There have also been a couple of cases where the Windows 10 did not complete the install and the computers were not usable and had to brought into the shop for extensive repairs.  Although most of the computers that did upgrade within 30 days were able to be restored back to Windows 7 without much trouble, we also encountered one that completely crashed during the process and we had to do extensive work to backup the data and then restore it back manually.  

The solution?  Well if you are a regular monthly maintenance client, either remote or onsite, we have installed a program designed to prevent Windows 10 from automatically forcing itself on you.  This program is something you can install yourself it’s called GWX Control Panel and comes with very good detailed instructions. You can get it by doing a Google search or clicking here:

If you would prefer we can install it for you, this takes us normally about 15 to 20 minutes remotely and the charge is $15 per computer for us to install. The program itself it free, and if we do it, we make a regular donation to the designer to keep up the good work. If you do it yourself I recommend you do the same.  It can prevent a lot of problems.