Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Your Wireless Mouse Could be Hacked

Ok, I had a client send me information about a new hack that someone created to take over your computer using your wireless mouse.  I did a little checking on it before sending this message and wanted everyone to be aware of it, as well as what is needed.
I don’t want someone to be worried after hearing about this on TV or someplace, and it’s true, so I wanted everyone to be aware.

The truth:
Yes with an antenna a hacker can take control of your computer if you are using a wireless mouse.  (most but not all models are affected).
The hacker can do this up to a distance of 700 ft away.
The hacker will actually need to see your screen in order to take full advantage of this.  He’s not really going to know if he’s successful if he can’t see the screen, and this means he probably is not going to be able to see if you are using it.
You have to move the mouse when he’s trying to get control.
So if you are sitting at your computer using it, and it starts doing weird stuff, just hold the power button down until it shuts off…. 
Again, you have to be sitting at the computer, and moving the wireless moue to activate his hack, and you are going to see him doing stuff the instant he does….

I don’t think this is a major issue, but if you are sitting in a public cafĂ© or using internet in a public place and your computer starts doing stuff on it’s own, just hold the power button down until it shuts off, and this will disconnect the hacker.  
This might be useful as a prank, but I don’t see it being much we have to worry about.  I am more concerned about people clicking on things that they shouldn’t, or believing someone who calls on the phone about helping them fix the computer….
Or someone calling the number from the popup that appears when they visit an infected web page.

If you have a wireless mouse and are truly worried about this, send me the brand and model number from the bottom of the mouse and I’ll let you know if it’s one of the affected devices and tell you the remedy, which very likely will be replacement. 
I’m using a wireless mouse and not concerned about this at all.